Indian Maids Singapore
Name of Employer:
Email of Employer:
FIN/ NRIC of the Employer:
Type of Residence: Citizen PR Employment Pass S Pass
Tel Number:
Employer Date of Birth:
Attach Employer's ID:
House Type: Condo HDB Landed Others
Monthly Salary Range: $2500-$2999 $3000-$3499 $3500-$3999 $4000-$4999 $5000-$5999 $6000-$7999 $8000-$9999 Above-$10,000 NA
Spouse Name:
Spouse Email:
Relationship to Employer: Husband Wife
FIN/ NRIC of the Spouse:
Type of Residence of Spouse: Citizen PR Employment Pass S Pass
Spouse Tel Number:
Spouse Date of Birth:
Attach Spouse's ID:
Monthly Salary Range of Spouse: $2500-$2999 $3000-$3499 $3500-$3999 $4000-$4999 $5000-$5999 $6000-$7999 $8000-$9999 Above-$10,000 NA
Particulars of Family Members Residing at the Same Address:
Salary and Off Days Agreed for the Maid:
Maid's Room: Separate room Share a room Sleep in living room
Is Cleaning the Exterior of Windows Required? Yes No
Is There Grilles in the Window? Yes No
Maid's Expected Duties:
WiFi Given for the Maid? Yes No
Cooking Type: Veg Non-veg
Off Day Time is 9 am to 7 pm:
What Time Maid Sleeps at Night on Usual Days? 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm 12 am
What Time Maid Wakes Up on Usual Days? 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am
Phone Usage Preference for the Maid: Only during rest time and at night No such restriction
Does the Maid Require to Do Light Duties on Off Day? Yes No
Maid's 1 Hour Rest in the Afternoon Timing: